Important: Tartlétos will be training on Tuesday and Thursday evenings

From the 30th of August onwards, Tartlétos is going to switch the training days. We will start training on different days because this provides us with a less crowded track. From the first week of the academic year, we are going to have our training sessions on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 18:15h till 20:15h. If you are interested, you can join the general warm-up lap on Campus, this starts at 18:00h at the WERF-building. We hereby strongly request you to not enter the track before 18:15h on Thursdays because the ASS group that is training at that moment and cannot be distracted during and after their training. Therefore, if you want to join the warming-up lap, you can drop your bag at the WERF-building as long as you don’t enter the track.   

Then, the weight training will be on Monday evening. The time of the weight training will be announced later.   

As of August 30th, 2021, the schedule of training sessions will be as follows:  


18:00h | general warm-up lap over Campus, for those interested
18:15h | start training running group and technical group  

18:00h | general warm-up lap over Campus, for those interested
18:15h | start training running group and technical group