Clubday 2023

Date(s) - 08/10/2023
Hele dag

Pallas clubhuis

On Sunday the 8th of October the yearly clubday of Pallas ’67 and Tartlétos will take place on the (hopefully) renovated atlethic track. We have made this year a nice program for the clubday:

from 11:00AM: Trackrace for juniors and seniors

1:00PM – 4:00PM: Athletics Champs for the pupils

2:30PM-4:00PM: A 5000m on the track in three groups of around 25 runners classified based on time. This 5000m is not only meant for fast atlethes but for everyone that wants to run on their own pace.

4:15PM-5:15PM: Trashrun where everyone will collect trash while running.

5:00PM: A drink!

5:30PM-8:00PM: Diner

We hope that we will have a nice day together. During the whole day there will be free drinks for everyone and a healthy snack. There will be a big tent in front of the clubhouse of Pallas where we can gather during the day and in the evening for diner.

You can subscribe for the trackrace/5000m through: This can be done until the 5th of october 11:59PM!

You can subscribe for the food until the 2th of October through  deze link:

Expenses p.p.: adults €15 and children until 11 year €7,5

Of course we can’t organize the day without the help of volunteers! You can subscribe as volunteer through: dit formulier.

If the track is not finished in time there will be an alternative program without the trackraces. The 5000m will be done on the campus and after that there will be a trashrun, a drink and the diner.