CoheCie: Pub quiz

Once a year, the CoheCie organizes its fabulous pub quiz for our smart Tartletes. As every year, our goal as a committee is to come up with pub quiz rounds with a twist. This year, we had a tasting round. Each team could send forward two gourmets to taste the difference between, for example, chocolate with 70% and 52% cocoa content. Or how about distinguishing between peaches and nectarines, a nearly impossible challenge. Despite the logistical issues—something about blindfolds and finding your way through the clubhouse—this round was a tasty addition.

Since most of us are students, we continued with the Ikea round. Many of us surely have something from there at home. For this round, a mix of old and newer members proved to be the most successful formation, with Ties, Sabine, Thomas, and Juriaan being true Ikea experts.

Just before the break, everyone got to feel like a master baker and test their theoretical knowledge about the origins of various Dutch pastries. Do you know where the Spoortpunt or Nonnevotten come from?

After the break, we continued with the acrobatics round, because everyone knows that being active stimulates the brain. Definitely needed as preparation for our final exams. Maaike guided us through various yoga poses and briefly tested our knowledge about gymnastics. Try doing a seated cat-cow! Then, Ms. Wiep Fokker took over and presented us with a very challenging final exam with questions about French, Geography, Mathematics, History, Dutch, and Physics. Stijn, Floor, Simon, and Pim scored a perfect 10, proving they rightfully hold a VWO diploma! It turns out these Tartletes can do more than just sports.

After all the brainwork, we had the animal round, led by Roel. After a calm warm-up, mainly listening to animal sounds to identify them correctly, it was the participants’ turn. A member of the team with the fewest points could choose an animal from seven options to mimic first, while their team guessed. The first choice was a giraffe. Was that the easiest? Because there were also sea lions, peacocks, and whales; everyone knows those, right?

In the end, the Ikea round turned out to be a good predictor of the final victory, as team Zaagzijl won with 47% of the total points. Next year, we might have to raise the bar!